When you pay with a Cino card online or in-store, each payment is instantly split amongst the members of the group with everyone's share collected at the moment of payment. You are not required to preload money to use Cino as your share is debited directly from your bank account.
Anyone in the group can make a payment for the group. To pay for the group, only one person needs to pay with the group's card.
To start splitting payments with Cino, you and all of the members of the group must:
- connect an eligible Visa®, Mastercard or Maestro*, Diners or Discover debit card to your Cino account
- join a group & then activate it
To pay with Cino card in store:
- add your Cino card to Apple Wallet or Google Pay
- select the Cino card & tap your phone to pay
Note you will get a Cino card for each group you join. So you need to add each card to the wallet if you want to pay for the group with it. If you just want to participate in the split, you do not need to add it to your wallet.
To pay with Cino card online:
- pay via Apple/ Google Pay (if the website supports it)
- fill in Cino card's details to pay (as you normally would)
All your transactions will be reflected in the app so you don't need to keep track of them. You'll also receive a notification every time you or someone in the group spends with your group’s Cino card.
To stop sharing expenses within the group, you simply leave the group.
*Maestro cards that have CVV numbers (the 3 numbers at the back) work